Diving in Ningaloo

Ningaloo Reef is the largest fringing reef in the world, and it stretches for over 260 kilometers (418 miles). It has the advantage of being closer to the shore than the Great Barrier Reef. This place is also one of Australia’s best-kept secret, as it’s not as crowded as the Great Barrier Reef and it’s a good alternative. You can expect to see whale sharks and small invertebrates. Navy Pier is a special place for its beautiful marine life, and it has been voted number one of the Top Ten Dive Sites in Australia.

The descriptions provided here are intended as general information and personal experiences related to specific dive sites and locations and should not be construed as definitive advice or recommendations. Before diving, please confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location, and comply with all relevant local laws, regulations, and posted signage. The responsibility for verifying the legality of the dive and assessing any associated risks rests entirely with you.