© Choose the dives which you want to verify with the Universal QR Code Scanner
© Use the Universal QR code Scanner to scan the QR code of your Training Center
Expansion of Universal QR Code Scanner
February 26, 2020
SSI is continually working to improve the MySSI app, expanding it with new helpful features. In the past, logged dives could only be verified individually with the QR code of a Training Center or dive professional. With the expansion of the Universal QR Code Scanner, it is now possible to verify multiple dives with just one scan.
How does the Expansion of the QR Code Scanner works?
- In the app menu, click on the Universal QR Code Scanner in the lower-left corner
- Scan the QR code of a Training Center or professional
- Click on "Verify Dives"
- A list of all unverified dives will appear. Choose all the dives you want to verify. The number of dives selected will show above.
- To verify the dives, click on the button above "Verify X Dives"
- A pop-up window confirms the verification
This new feature makes logging your dives easier, so you can go diving again sooner and experience new adventures. Have fun diving!
The MySSI App
The MySSI app puts everything you need to dive in the palm of your hand. It has a variety of features, including offline access to the Digital Learning materials, immersive 360° videos, Digital Dive Log, Digital Certifications and much more! Visit
https://my.divessi.com/register or download the MySSI app. (available on iOS or Android)

Featured image©istock/humonia